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The Cursed Mountains
“Goddess damn this cold. “The knight cursed softly under his breath before then muttering a prayer of forgiveness as he pushed his mount through the snow.
Sir Addar had honestly hoped that the Black Elven Witch would have stood her ground and fought them in the snow of the vale, but Sir Horus had been correct. When pressed the cowardly Witch had not chosen to stand and fight but rather chose to prolong her suffering and had called upon her dark magics to flee with all haste to the ancient fortifications that lay higher in the mountains.
Hopeful, no doubt, that those ancient stones would offer her some small protection from the Knights and the true and righteous judgement of the Church. Unaware it seemed that Sir Horus had known well in advance of the ruins and had guessed her intention to reach them when her trail had led them into the mountains.
Knowing the witch’s intentions, Sir Horus had split the group in two. He and the others rushing ahead to the ruins themselves to await the witch’s arrival. Leaving Sir Adder and his brother Sir Lanker to continue the pursuit so that she would not have time to stop or rethink her plan.
“ How much further. “ Lanker called from behind.
Adder sighed glancing over his shoulder towards his brother.
“ Not far now just there a … ??? “
He paused then uncertain for a moment. For a moment he thought he had seen someone on the ridge above but could not be certain. These mountains were cursed and the creatures there known for using magic to playing tricks on tired eyes.
It was the sound of fighting in the distance that drew his attention again to the moment. These not being the sounds he had expected to hear however. Metal upon metal, sword upon shield....
" Damn ... " Adder cursed again. "... that Black Witch has led our fellows into a trap."