Showing posts 811 - 825 of 819

Last Day, First Day

Jul 18, 2020, 3:03pm by LaserSexPanther

"Sorry," she said and looked away. "Nothing to be sorry for." Jocelyn told her as she pushed the buttons. "One girls kids meal, plain burger, apple slices and milk comes to $3.35." ...

The welcoming

Jul 18, 2020, 12:49pm by TheGreyCleric

Thomas watched his father's bed warmer and their child drive away. She was a cute baby and he couldn't hate her for having the same crappy sperm donor that he did. The difference was her par ...

Mickey D's

Jul 18, 2020, 8:51am by Noemi

Her bags, well one bag and one sort of an almost bag, it was an old tote that used to hold Christmas ornaments and still had an inexplicable amount of glitter in the bottom, were locked up a ...

Bad To Worse

Jul 17, 2020, 7:04pm by Jaxx

Ashley: Two Ceaser Salads and two large sweet teas please. It that okay Jack? Jack: Fine. Ashley was very happy and loving as she leaned on him. Jack sighed with a grouchy expression a ...

A favor

Jul 17, 2020, 5:41pm by LaserSexPanther

Ashley: Two Ceaser Salads and two large sweet teas please. It that okay Jack? Jack: Fine. Ashley was very happy and loving as she leaned on him. Jack sighed with a grouchy expressio ...

First Date

Jul 17, 2020, 1:43pm by Jaxx

Cell Phone Ring Tone Jack woke up in a grouchy mood to his phone ringing. He knew who was calling him before even looking at the ph ...

A Long Day of Work

Jul 17, 2020, 1:48am by LaserSexPanther

It was one of the last days of work for the summer, and Jocelyn was just getting ready. It would be nice to finally be free for a few days before school started, new place new start. Hopeful ...

A Twist Of Fate

Jul 15, 2020, 11:09pm by Jaxx

Jack was in a foul mood as usual and ran five miles in the early morning to burn off some steam. Over the years he built up a lot of hostility hoping one day he could get his revenge over h ...


Jul 15, 2020, 9:43pm by Jaxx

"My So Called Life" is a Slice of Life game that takes place in Prep school called Sakura High School, in the city of Katz, California. The city of Katz is not to far from the coast and is a ...

Showing posts 811 - 825 of 819