Lost And Found

When Mar set the Void Swift down on a more rocky patch of desert he was quick to gather a pack with water and other items that he'd need for the trek across the dunes to the nearby settlement. He made sure his lightsaber was resting in its usual place on the back of his belt, hidden by the blue tunic he was wearing yet easily reached should he need it.

When he stepped off the ship the heat struck him in the face like a hammer. He'd been to numerous worlds, but he found desert planets to be the most unpleasant due to the relentless heat. He often wondered why no one had ever considered trying to terraform planets like this into something less unbearable. It mattered little though, it was gonna be hot and unpleasant regardless so he started towards the settlement.

Serenity did not believe he was real fingering the heat had gotten to her. After all why after two years and showing himself to an imperial Adrmal or what what ever odet was would he show himself now.It was pretty clear to Serenity that he did not care. "Your not here your a figment of my imagination." she said coldly.

"I am here because you are here child you will die out her with out food water or knowledge of the dearest animals." He said. serenity was not hearing it she jumped up and took off running again. further into the desert Leaving the vision of her master behind to shake his head.

When Mar first spotted the girl she was merely a speck on the horizon that he noticed as he made his way along the top of one of the larger sand dunes. Initially he figured it was just one of the many scavengers who liked to venture into the desert to salvage parts from the wrecked ships, except the map of the area showed no such wrecks were within walking distance.

He grew even more intrigued when she got a little closer and he could sense the powerful emotions coming from her. Fear, regret, loss, confusion. And then that familiar presence. The Force seemed to compel him to start moving in her direction. Crossing the sands so that his path would intersect with hers after a ways.

When he finally got within earshot of her after several minutes of fast-paced walking he shouted to her.

"It's stupid to go running off into the desert on your own, you know." He looked at her, his face firm yet there was a hint of friendliness in his eyes. He pulled the canteen strapped to his waist and held it aloft for the wayward girl to see. No doubt she was already thirsty.

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