
Ghost seemed to shrink into herself as she silently followed the others, Ring floating around her and the others with little clicks and chirps. Glancing back, she watched as Ryze stood and headed further into the ship to hide from any onlookers.

"Are you sure it's smart to leave him on the ship?" She asked as Carla rushed up and hopped for a moment at the wolf-eared girl's feet. Picking up the chicken, she pet the creature with a kind smile. "Yes, Carla, it will be fine."

Ring, seeming insulted by Ghost's suggestion, chirped in what could only be translated into a snort as it floated closer to Serenity. With a few more chirps, the weapon split in half and pressed down upon Serenity's shoulders gently to appear as part of her wardrobe. This was more in an attempt to add to her "royal" look than anything else.


Thrass was cleaning his guns in a shaded area, a bored expression on his face. He did not miss the arrival of a new ship and hoped that maybe they could get him off this wretched planet. Every bounty he had gone for kept food on the metaphorical table, but could not seem to get him off Mandalore.

Looking up in time to see the group pass by, his red eyes seemed to focus on Ghost. Something about her enthralled the Chiss as he started to pack away his weapons. Holstering his blaster pistols, he slung his sniper rifle over his back and began to follow them at a distance.

He could only guess where they were going and wondered why the youngest looking of them was dressed so ridiculously.


Ghost's ears twitched, eyes narrowing as she glanced back to see the stranger following them. Stepping around to Mar's side, she spoke low enough not to be heard by anyone but him and Mira.

"We're being followed..."

< Prev : A Hail Queen Serenity Next > : Uneasy