Volunteers and Sewing It Up

Jin'Lor stood with his arms crossed, watching Darth Liden as they began to leave. His pointed ears twitched with discomfort as he heard the continuous roar of the beast within the storm. They may have been friends, but that thing was never above eating him if he were in the wrong place. "Stupid beast..." He grunted and pulled out a knife, twirling it playfully.

Looking to his new "boss", he offered a grin. "So, who gets to be my first test subject? Any volunteers?"


Ghost whimpered, continually wavering between conscious and unconscious as Ryze set her down after KC-8 showed him where things were. Her mind kept thinking on what her creator had told her, but she could do very little to verbalize anything at the moment. Loss of blood and pain were keeping her at bay, making her vulnerable.

Ryze was looking through everything, cursing lowly as he took what he needed and set it to the side for easy access. Peeling away the makeshift bandage he made from the shirt, he got to work on Ghost's arm. Cleaning and disinfecting it was the easy part, but getting her sewn up was difficult. His fingers worked carefully, despite how shaky and exhausted he felt from all the damage he had sustained throughout the day.

"You're not allowed to die, Ghost." He whispered.

It did not help that the A.I. was constantly badgering him about everything, reminding him of all the wrongs he had done. Despite not being able to take control for a time, it did not stop in its relentless pursuit for control. There was never a way to make things go quiet in his head.

As he finished with the stitch work to Ghost's wound, one of her lightsabers was suddenly stabbing into his chest. Ryze could only back away as blood dripped down his chin and he prayed no one heard her next words.

"What kind of father rapes his own child?" Ghost practically screamed as she slowly pushed up with her good arm. "Monsters...both of you are monsters!"


VT-L2 squealed and ran up to Mira and Mar, hopping onto the woman's leg and clinging there happily. "Yay! You're all okay! Quint and Rowan shot and killed all kinds of dumb soldiers! It was funny! Your skin is pretty! What are you, lady? Are you a goddess?" The little droid was in worship mode.

Carla, on the other hand, was more concerned about Serenity and rushed to her and Keran, spitting acid at a nearby trooper that had been unable to escape. The poor fool screamed as he ran away from the assault, only to have a giant mouth from within the storm snap down on him, leaving behind legs that were cut off at the knees.

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