Arrival At A Frozen Planet...

"Hey guys, we're arriving at that destination." Mira said from the bridge as the group continued their messy mediation.

Keran could sense the discomfort from everyone and opened his eyes. "It's clear that we will need to work on these things. However there is no point in stressing about it now. We have business to tend to, after all..."

Then he looked to Mar.

"It seems the girl has taken a liking to you. And if it is true that The Force wishes you to be her master... I cannot deny the will of The Force... however... I will be watching you... Inquisitor..."

Mar smirked. "Fine by me."

They all went up to the bridge and Mar looked at the massive debris field surrounding the planet. "What happened here... I wonder..." None of the ships looked familiar. This place was a total mystery already.

"Rowan? Quint?" Mar sent out a broadcast. "Anyone? Sorry for the delay we had to pick up some new friends..."

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