Bound In Pain

Mar shook his head as Rowan and Quint argued. "It is true, when dealing with the Force one must expect the unexpected. However many Jedi and Sith suffer from a sense of overconfidence in their own abilities. Liden, however, is a different beast entirely. She is patient, calculating, and a master of out-thinking her enemies. And she now knows we're here, and what we plan to do. We--"

It was then that Quint began to scream. Mar went to her while Ghost did the same. "What's wrong?" He asked

The Sith is doing something very similar right now. She wanted me to feel the pain I caused her so she shared it with me.” Sweat ran down her neck.
“She can get in my head and I can see out of her eyes,” she said. This was not something she had been taught by her Master. It disturbed her.

Mar frowned. "Strange... To be linked in such a way is unheard of..." He reached out to Quint with the force and sensed the presence of the other assassin. The pain and rage which seethed from her. He had to snap back out of his trance and looked to Quint in worry. "What did you do to forge such a bond with this assassin?"

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