I had that coming

He looked back to Rowan. "It looks like we were meant to meet, Mandalorian. We have similar goals, and we both have taken up the task of looking after these young ones." He offered his hand to the Mandalorian. "Shall we join forces?"

Rowan looks at his had “don’t shake hands never works out. Your word will have to do. I went into town and did not get much information. RED, Help Mar with his ship Quint when your done they don’t build ships like this anymore. you could help RED” ordered Rowan. “That is my way of good will to are joining. My ship is right behind yours I doubt anyone is going to attack us here right now. Let’s get your ship fixed up then go see what more we can find in town. What do you think? Now I must speak to serenity.” Rowan said simply.

He walks over to where Serenity and Quint are. “Serenity don’t worry about the force attack. I had that coming. I did not consider your position and everything that has happened to you. It shows you have what it takes. If you have the will to attack me out of fear or otherwise. You can do anything you set your mind to. I was not thinking of training anyone, but I will except the both of you without a trial. I think Mar is thinking the something. Quint I was advised you to talk to Mar about the force and see if you can get training from him” Rowan said. He turned and walked back to where Mar was. “what are we getting are self’s in too? One day we should spare it has been a longtime sense I have fought one as strong as you and maybe show the young ones what real skill look like.

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