RED to the Rescue or Not just out side of Cratertown

The droid had been standing outside the ship for some time in the sun RED-1 let out a sigh “way is it always the droid that get it no one cares about droids.” The droid readjusted itself making it tougher. It could barely sense Serenity in the ship. RED knew she was a live but still under stress. The droid sent its location one more time to Rowan. It pulled a tracking pod from one of its compartments and stuck it on the outside the of the ship as it walks up and into the ship.

Theme music

Red got to the top of the ramp into the ship. The droid wondered how much trouble Serenity was going to be. The jedi are such a problem remembering back to the clone wars. It saw a Socmp-link interface port. red extended the interface it started to spin in different directions RED quickly bypassed all the security functions. Locking the ship down. It disengages the interface and continued to walk on to the ship arriving where the to where and now RED knew how the guy was or at least the people he says he is. The droid squares off with Mar but nothing that looks hostile. “Master serenity are you in danger?” RED asks with a hint of concern in its voice odd for a droid.

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