Showing posts 391 - 405 of 1197

Runes and such

Jun 14, 2019, 9:59pm by Winters

Olin chuckled at how freely the little elf spoke. Again all part of his magic to put it's recipient at ease. "Same cloth different side." Olin said seemingly unfazed by Luna's confession. ...


Jun 14, 2019, 12:38am by Lily

“ I like the smell it was a bit startling at first. I have a few unpleasant memories of home. My people did not approve of my shadow magic. My father tried to seal my magic so I could not ...

Things I Can Do

Jun 14, 2019, 12:25am by Winters

“Sex magic. To make me more attractive and desirable, it’s somewhat of a side effect.” Olin answered. The effect was more or less out of his control; particularly given he wasn’t act ...


Jun 14, 2019, 12:06am by Lily

Luna seamed to relax a bit more calmed by the smell of home. “ and you smelling like home witch is that linked to” she asked. That had to be some kind of magic. “ she understood idea o ...

Answers You Seek

Jun 13, 2019, 11:59pm by Winters

Olin wrapped an arm around her shoulders, letting his cloak also encompass her. Not only was Olin warm and seemly untouched by the cold the nip of the wind also stopped. Actually, there was ...


Jun 13, 2019, 11:43pm by Lily

Luna smiled” my name is Luna I was born in the middle of the night under a full moon. At least that’s why mother said she named me that.” She said. Luna coughs the smell very similar t ...

Smell of Night

Jun 13, 2019, 11:12pm by Winters

Ironically Olin did not know the elf girls name rather, calling her a pet name. She so reminded of him of a Luna Moth. He had seen them a couple of times when the moonlight caught the glowed ...

Idle Chatter

Jun 13, 2019, 10:44pm by LucianNepreen

While he was thrilled to talk to the ice Jotun, the packs of meat they carried did not escape his attention. It was actually common for Jotun to eat other races, a practice that led to many ...


Jun 13, 2019, 10:43pm by Lily

Luna blinked she did not remember telling him her name. She looked at Cali weighting if for her responds. Before reluctantly leaving Dyvia’s side. She needed a mental brake from worrying ...

Two of a Kind

Jun 13, 2019, 10:33pm by Esimed

Cali held her hands up in protest and Garm came to an immediate stop. “Why me? I can do nothing for her at present. Damnit Luna, you’re going to get yourself killed talking to the assass ...

Moth To The Flame

Jun 13, 2019, 10:00pm by Winters

The group seemed to have been gifted with a nose for trouble. One moment Olin was more than happy to show his empress his appreciation and next here they are walking through the snow. Again. ...

Questions and answers

Jun 13, 2019, 8:11pm by Lily

Luna nodded as she listened to the Cali. “ yes I meant without killing her it would be me there if she had not jumped in?” She said dropping her head for a moment then looked at Cali. ...

I ain't that Baby's Godmother

Jun 13, 2019, 8:01pm by Esimed

Caligari walked along at Olin’s side as the Giant-led progression made its way through the snow. She was barefooted, her worn boots having dissolved or vanished during her enchanted wardro ...

A Walk in the Snow... Again

Jun 11, 2019, 4:32pm by Largehobbit

The consensus was to bring the would be assassin along for now. Balar had no strong desire to keep the man alive, but they had not questioned him and he had learned long ago that killing the ...

Leave him alone

Jun 10, 2019, 9:09pm by Lily

” No don't touch him we can let him go when we get out of this place we are not monsters” Luna said. She looked a Dyvia and turned to look call ” can it be done safely” she asked. ...

Showing posts 391 - 405 of 1197