
Luna remanded quiet for a while. Cry did her really think that she would let Cali make her cry. That almost pissed her off. Though she found she could not be angry with Olin this puzzled her.

Shadow appeared next to Olin. He was always watching Luna and had seen Luna became interested I’m him as a teacher. It was a good thing. The girl needed to be awoken and needed to learn of her future eventually. As well as be able to control her power and learn how to lead. What Cail was unaware of was that shadow was no slave he served Luna willingly. “Only a leader with a alignment to the night can bring joy, love, and light back to the dark kingdom” he said to Olin before disappearing. He did not want Luna to hear the message he shared.

By the time shadow disappeared Luna was finely calm enough to talk to Olin again. she did not dare talk to can and hoped that Cali would not get angry with her. “ if the meaning I got from Cali’s message was incorrect what is the correct meaning” she asked.

< Prev : I be over here if you need me! Next > : Is it an Elf thing?