Ice and Meat

Theo nearly snarled as he fought against the ice once more.
“Your shadows are not able to severely harm me! You don’t have to gag me if you just let me go, I’ll even stop trying to kill the old man!”
He was frustrated and livid, but unable to vent either. Not only had he lost all credibility with this fiasco of a mission, he would now die in the guts of an ice giant.
How joyous.
The return of Kespin only annoyed him further, the old man smacking him with a stick.
“You would do well to silence yourself. I hear stress makes meat go bad on swine.”
Cackling at his humor, Kespin nearly fell over into the snow.

Adjusting the block of ice in order to shut up Theo, Erik looked up to his kin and gained his attention.
“Cousin, might I request the safe lodging of those with me? I lost the taste of man long ago and these people are my companions.”

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