
Amdir watched as the man appeared from behind cover, and lowered her blade. Apparently this was another one of Miles’ companions. The combination of friendly smile and still nocked bow however, seemed s a rogue of some sort. And like her kin, Amdir tended to look down on rogues, seeing them only as dirty and dishonorable thieves to be watched closely. It was clear this one was also a bit paranoid from the way he moved and acted.

Still, Amdir’s tribal customs demanded that she be friendly to the stranger, despite his rudeness. Naurfast, however, did not care about tribal customs. He simply saw the man as a possible threat and growled at him, bearing his canines.

“Who, pray tell, are you?” Amdir said with some irritation after Naurfast growled. “I come in peace, but” Amdir pointed at the bow with her non sword hand,”Naurfast feels your weapon still represents a threat. I would suggest you lower your draw.”

Amdir paused for a moment before looking at the newcomer with her one good eye, irritation crossing her face. “To answer your question, I found your friend alone and decided to escort him back here to make certain he arrived safely.” Amdir went on. “You and your companions are also on my lands, and I want to know why.”

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