
Miles decided to sit by the fire so he could be included with the others. He drew his axe, and laid it across his lap. He then took a cloth from his pouch and cleaned the blade. He had no idea how long he had been frozen, but blood is blood, and a wiping is always necessary. Especially for age old blood. He stroked the cloth across the edge of the blade, and then polished the sides. Before he could work on the handle, he was offered a meal. A simple meal can loosen the line between life and death. He leaned his axe against the log he was sitting on, then he turned away from the others to eat his meal. Lifting his helmet up a tad, he began to eat the food. He closed his eyes and soothed his mind as he ate. All this walking, a short moment to relax was earned. He continued to eat the meal, and as he finished, he heard Balar trying to get his attention. He lowered his helmet before turning the the man.

He listened to Balars question, then pondered an answer. What was he doing, these people didn't know him, and he didn't know then. Yet, no one else would know him, his whole life was spent staying as far from people as possible. And with however long he spent in ice, he would have no else to lean on. These were the only people he knew.

"I do wish to stay in your company, for I have no place else to go. And although I don't care for the gods, I do wish to care for the people, so I will stick with you, and provide any assistance I can." Stated Miles, as he reaches into his pouch.
He pulled out a smaller pouch, filled with little green pods. He peeled one of the pods, and dropped the peas into his hand. He lifted his helmet, and tossed them into his mouth.
"Nothing is as good as a pod of peas." He muttered.
"Would you like some?" He asked, as he looked to Jorrik.

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