
Luna hardly had a chance to react she had the presence of mind to throw up a shield around Kespin that crazy old loon. Before she know it the fight was over. And there was a woryer how was thow Ed from the ice. Luna quietly aproched him. She reached out pulling his helmet off. She put the back of her hand to his forehead. He was ice cold. “ I need my spell book” Luna said.

The shadow appeared and helped the book out for her. “ thank you” she said. She started flipping through the pages. It took her a wile to find the spell she was looking for.

Read the spell and hands the book back to the shadow. It dissappered she held out her hand and collected a ball of magic. It was a similar silver light as her shield spell. She then took the ball of Energy and forced it into the woryes chest. The spell should worm and heal his miner ingargs. However the spell came at a coust and Luna calapsed next to him.

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