
"Erik thank the gods." Tiella breathed as the giant approached in the darkness. The Jotun stumbled as he walked towards them and the three companions raced forward to support him.

"My thanks." Erik murmered as they gave what aid they could to the huge warrior.

"What happened?" Tiella asked.

"I know not, I was defeated but... I know not."

"You were not defeated." Luna said with a confused frown.

"What do you mean? How could..." Erik began to ask.

"Luna used her magic to scry, we saw you break Oroms neck at the last and..." Tiella grew silent then. She did not want to press as what they actually saw in the shadowed vision, dreading what answers she might recieve. In turn Erik did not press the question and simply frowned thoughtfully as they walked on in silence.

They saw no more of the earth spirits as they retraced their steps back toward where the others had fled. They passed throuh the shattered gate and made their way down the tunnels, some so low that Erik was forced to a low crouch.

"What is that?" Luna suddenly asked as she came to a halt at the head of the group.

"Is that?" Dyvia asked.

"Singing." Tiella answered as they pushed forward.

They soon came out into a wider tunnel where they found the remainder of the group sitting around a small fire with a strange dwarf. They were drinking and singing a dirge of the deep. Only Balar has the pressence of mind to glance up in embarrasment as the others sang on;

Down in the deeps in the cold of the stone,
Where the bones of the mountain heave and groan,
Where the gold and silver rivers flow,
And Diamond flowers and rubies grow.

We'll sup our ale in the spite of the Dark,
We'll wink and smile lest the shadow hark,
Our tankards raised and our voices high,
Cos the treasure of the deep is close and nigh.

"Men." Dyvia cursed as she sat herslef down by the fire and fished a wine skin from her pack.

< Prev : The Spirits Next > : Fun and games