Aid Given

The Dwarven elder gave the companions a black look. He clambered back into his seat all vestiges of his previous madness now gone.

"If you would just..." Balar started to say but he was silenced by the elders raised hand. They all stood there waiting then for the dwarf to speak and when he did he sounded tired.

"So it comes at last. The fool pulls the strings of fate and the world will dance on the knives edge of his whim."

"What do you mean?" Tiella asked, "What do you know of the Harlequin?"

"I know enough to give you this council," the elder replied, "Do not tarry, and do not trust, we will give what aid we may and we will guide you safely through our mines to the northern pass. From there the path is straight to the dark powers that you seek."

"God's," Majvok cursed, "I tire madness and riddles, speak plainly."

"I will speak how I wish in my own halls human." The elder roared in a sudden rage. "You have been given a doom beyond your reckoning." He looked at each of the party then as if weighing them in his mind, judging their mettle. At las he spoke again,

"Each Dwarf knows his end, though most deny it." He glanced at Dyvia as he spoke, "Your Elven companion has driven the mists of age from my mind with her words this night. I see my end now all too clearly."

"I regret that we have brought you distress." Tiella said, "but our need is great."

"Yes, yes it is." Replied the ancient dwarf, "Rest now and break bread with us. At first light my grandson Ifran will guide you to the pass. It will be the journey of a day."

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