
Majvoc lowered his bow and raised his hands as the Legionnaires readied weapons.

"Hold on." he cried out, "Wait wait wait!"

Captain Falon edged forward, "Speak quickly man, we must conclude this business and return to the siege."

"Let me just confer with my companions please."

Majvoc turned to the group, "People listen to me." he spoke slowly, "This is the scouting group for a... Legion, of warriors. Those warriors sit between ourselves and the city. A Legion, that is one thousand angry men, elves and dwarves with swords."

"Are you saying we should join with these fools?" Dyvia asked.

"No I am simply suggesting that while you are all very brave and very capable we should perhaps avoid making an entire Legion of zealots angry with us."

"He has a point." Tiella agreed.

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