The Challenge is Set

With Dim taking the charge, Erik waited for a good chance to aid him. The best way to combat such a being was with surprise.
He was genuinely taken aback as the dwarf ate Fenrir’s thumb.
He was truly a savage.
Then his chance came, the God-slayer gave a smart comeback as he grew his missing digit back. Hefting his hammer with a grunt, the jotun sought to land the weapon on Fenrir’s back.
That grunt was all the wolf needed to know of the attack, growling as he ducked under and immediately kicking the back of Erik’s knee.
Crashing to a kneel, the axe that looked to chop off his head never completed its artful swing, instead Fenrir being knocked back by a blast, then an arrow piercing his wrist, leaving his hand limp.
Looking to the source of the assault, he gave an amused grin as Mimir prepared for another attack, Theo notching an arrow next to him.
Merely flexing his wrist, the arrow shaft snapped. A few moments more and the hand was as new.
“You can’t hope to beat me old man. Not even before could you stand against me and now that I am free of the chains YOU set upon me, I can’t wait to tear you apart.”
Mimir considered this a lackluster threat given what he had seen the being do.
“Ido not wish this Fenrir. Our parts in this world were finished long ago. Now you are played, just like your sister, as a pawn in another's game.”

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