
Shortly after the Jotun came to their aid the last troll was dispatched with a quick swipe of Tiellas blade. She stood there staring up at the giant taking deep breaths to steady herself. Luna and Dyvia stood at her side wide eyed with wonder. The Jotun were creatures of legend these days.

There came a loud crash and yelling from the direction of the wagon. It came crashing by. The merchant whipping his horses into a frenzy. Balar and Majvok chased the caravan calling after the man to stop but he would not listen. It would seem that the sight of the Jotun had been too much for him.

Balar and Majvoc came walking over their faces dark with fury. They glanced questioningly up at the giant and Balar fingered his axe.

"Jotun!" Cried old Kespin as he came shamblin out of some nearby bushes. "A real live giant."

"Not now old man." Balar growled, and then looking up at the giant, "my thanks for your aid would you share a camp with us this night?"

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