Image of Dumny

Summary: Ggggrrrooooannnn.....


Gender: ?

Age: ?

Group: None Player Characters


Ressurected lifeless Animate


Zombie Animate


Chaotic Good

Physical Appearance

Pieced together from body parts of the already deceased, Dumny walks with a slight limp. He is constantly surrounded by flies and occasionally a leather thread used to keep his parts together needs to be replaced.
Adventurers who have traveled with Dumny are always offended by the smell of death, yet they often comment how useful he is to lure away the wolves.

Personality and interests

Dumny for the most part drifts. He occasionally will groan, but not able to speak any actual words. He ventures from town to town walking the roads. He has a reputation of always performing jobs that other villagers do not want to do, so some villages will allow him to pass through. Unless if something in the local cesspit needs to be cleared or to perform as a scarecrow for the day. Anyway, the flies tend to follow Dumny out of the towns he passes through, and the villagers are grateful for that alone.


Nobody knows where Dumny came from originally. He drifts from town to town walking the roads. Mobs of peasants tried once to hunt the wandering animate, but when they finally found him the King had given him a pardon. For if he had not been there to lay in a ditch and let the carriage roll over his body, the king could not have passed and be on time to his own wedding. Due to High Order of the King, nobody is to bring any harm to Dumny the Royal Wandering Animate

Starting Equipment

Flies. Ragged clothing.

Special Skills

Smells really bad.

Darkest Secret

If he could speak it would no longer be a secret.

This character is not owned by anyone. You can adopt them if you become a member of this game.

Character questions

Recent Activity

Image of Dumny
Updated character profile Jan 29, 2019, 8:34am
Mentioned in the post Dank Air Oct 30, 2018, 12:01am
Updated character profile May 1, 2018, 10:59pm
Mentioned in the post