
---- Dalen, an inn in Starval, morning, 0 DSTR ? ----

Nate hid his fascination of how Dorian with ease poured the ale into the cups and then made them flow through the air and land on the table in front of them. The few times before he'd witnessed somebody using magic had been just as amazing, even if it had been used for minor things such as this. But he had to remind himself that it was far from as innocent as it might seemed. He knew far too well just how dangerous magic could be and that mages couldn't be trusted.

[i]"Now Ethan...Time for the second battle of which I allready won. Listen carefully as I say this as a friend not an accuser."[\i]
The entire sentence made Nates blood run cold, but he didn't let it show. He listened calmly as Dorian started pointing out all the flaws of his act. There was no way he would be able to talk his way out of this now.

"Touché. You sertainly have some amazing observational skills. I am impressed." Nate simply replied, still considering his options of how best to deal with this potentially lethal exposure of his identity. After having looked thoughtfully down into his cup, still not having tasted the ale within, he looked up at Dorian once more. "So. How much do you want for your useful advice and for keeping this knowledge of me to yourself?" since Dorian seemed to be here on his own and that he hadn't tried to kill him yet, Nate had to assume that the thing he wanted was money which Nate would be more than happy to give him in order to save his life.

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