The Elven Prince

"What do you think sis?"
An image of Talin immediately came to mind. Auriel sighed. Unfortunately, that wouldn't do.
After a little more thought, Auriel began, "Well, I suppose if you would like our hero to look like someone that isn't you, we can make someone up. So, yeah, its probably best to think about your race first, then work on your appearance from there. The primary races we really have to work with are humans, mages, elves, or some mixture of those. Other races are either much rarer to this area, such as dwarves, gnomes, and fae, or are generally viewed in an unfavorable light, like orcs, drow, and demons. You'll probably find yourself in numerous dangerous combat situations in the coming weeks, so handicapping yourself by not using magic is not a good idea. That rules out non-mage humans. That leaves mages, elves, and hybrids. A surprising amount of people look down on half-breeds as if their mixed heritage has corrupted them or something, so being a half-elf or a half-mage is probably not the most ideal."
Auriel took a breath and shifted in her saddle. "That leaves pure-blooded elves and mages. At this point, I think we need to consider who you are going to be a hero to. In this case, you are fighting for the oppressed slaves of this area. Most of the slave masters here in Dalen are either humans or mages, so many of the slaves we want to free probably won't look fondly on mages for that reason. And most of the elves here, like LeLu, have been or are currently, slaves. Many of the slaves may feel inspired if they see someone like themself rising to greatness. Therefore, I think our ideal hero would be an elf..."
Sorta like Talin, she thought to herself silently. "...but anyway, maybe there is something I'm missing. Do you guys have any more thoughts on the matter?"

Jack thought for a moment as he remembered a few fairy tales from his mom's library. He remembered the hero from the story who was both attractive, skilled and popular among the people. Perhaps making that come to life would work in their favor.

Jack: Well I do remember a story book in mom's library about an elf prince who was handsome, skilled and charismatic with the people. I am not sure if you read the story before or not but I think we could bring him to life. He is about my size with long blonde hair pointy ears and has delicate features. He has a graceful manner of combat and speech as well as being an amazing archer.

LeLu: Oh oh oh I know that story. He was the Prince of the Wood Elves and left to save the world from a demon with a few other heroes. It was a popular tale with my people. If you were like him you could easily gain favor with the oppressed.

Jack: So you know of him as well?

LeLu: Yes I had a crush on him when I was younger. My father would read me that story before I went to bed.

Jack: So that's the type you are into?

LeLu: I............ I gave up on the Elven Prince long ago when I lost my home and freedom. You are my Prince now Jack.

Jack: You don't have to kiss up to me LeLu. I am not going to get mad over a crush to a character in a storybook.

LeLu: Well he was make believe and you are real. I owe you Jack and I will honor my promise.

Jack: Like I said LeLu......I prefer to wait and see what happens on that okay?

LeLu: Okay.

LeLu looked timid and unsure by Jack's response. She had become smitten to him and was concerned her feelings were one sided as Jack had not yet laid a finger on her. She wondered if he considered her to be unattractive or not his type. She hoped by proving herself useful she might win him over.

Jack: Anyway since you are familiar with the Elven Prince I could use your help with the details of his appearance and mannerisms.

LeLu: Of course Jack I will do my best.

Jack: So what do you say sis? Are you okay with an Elven prince making a debut? Of course I have a temporary plan to build him up in the meantime. I could take the form of a few different people who "support" The Elven Prince" against slavery. Then when he makes his debut it will build up the legend and the rumors will spread like wildfire. So how about it?


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