Run Away!

Oru stood where cobblestone met soil, before removing his shoes, they would only slow him down. He then scaled the nearest tree, jumping from branch to branch as if he was some sort of animal himself. The others began to slow down, scanning the treeline for their target, but Oru could see the trampled grass, the spots of unusually bare earth. He looked down the the guardsmen.

"Don't get in my way," He called down at them. He heard a scoff as he continued into the heart of the forest.

Jack still had LeLu over his shoulder as he sped through the forest and made it a point to watch his steps to minimize his trail. Though he didn't know it he was now heading to the Kingdom of Verden. Poor LeLu was having trouble catching her breath as her stomach was bouncing on Jack's shoulder. She wanted to get off and walk but knew the scary men chasing them probably wanted to make her a slave again.

Jack: Tell me if you see them.

LeLu: Mmmmppphhh. A bunch of them are far away but that dark elf is still chasing us.

Jack: Great......hunted by an elf slaver. That jerk must have no pride to sell out his own kind.

LeLu: What will we do Jack? Mmmmppphhh.

Jack: Run away. That guy won't be easy to fight with his friends. I can't protect you and fight them all. So we run. Any idea where I am going?

LeLu: West???

Jack: Good enough. Keep tabs on our location from the city. I'm gonna speed up a bit.

Jack used more magic on his body to increase his speed a bit more and used winds step to avoid touching the ground and leaving foot prints as he veered Northwest for a while before going West again.


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