
Oruvand started down the hall as Kalena moved on the the East side of the Inn. He half expected the odd looking key the Keeper had given him to be a phoney in order to distract him, but as he approached the door and twisted the key into the lock, he heard the tell-tale click of the first door unlocking. Taking his own advice, he opened it slightly before stepping back and kicking it open, though not hard so that he wouldn't damage the door.

The door swung open revealing...absolutely nothing. He didn't expect the man to be in the first door. He moved on.

By the time the fifth had swung open, he heard a scream, and instantly recognized it as Kalena's. He immediately turned away from the door and ran through the Inn to the opposite hall, only to see Kalena and the Inn Keeper standing there.

"What happened? Were you just attacked or something?", Oru said, scouring his surroundings for a possible assailant. He immediately dismissed the Keeper, she didn't appear all that dangerous.

"Did you see him? Did he get away?"

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