
The Sheriff suddenly went silent, his mouth open and still, as if something had simply frozen him mid sentence. Oru followed his gaze, only to see the same green eyes peering at him through the window. Or rather, simply through the window, as the man turned and continued walking mere seconds later, apparently spotting nothing of interest.

"I'll round up the guard." The Sheriff said suddenly. Oru pulled his crossbow from his back before storming outside.

He turned, eyes trained on their target, the bolt of his crossbow staring down the man.

"You there! Half-elf! STOP RIGHT NOW!" Oru shouted, his grip on his weapon tightening as the man turned, spotting him.

Jack turned to see a dark elf aiming a crossbow at him and instinctively grabbed LeLu's hand and pulled her hard as he ducked into the alleyway as a local accidentally walked between Oru and him. He pulled Lelu hard and made her run with him through the alleys to avoid the crazy person with a crossbow.

LeLu: (huffing) Jack who was that?

Jack: Don't know don't care. He was aiming a crossbow at us so he was probably trying to mug us.

LeLu: Did you make him mad?

Jack: Who know this country is just full of angry people. First I run into some slavers who want to make me into a sex slave for some big coin and then it happens again and now this. I swear this country sucks. We might have to make a run for it into the forest if that jerk has friends. I'd rather live in the forest with the wild animals than a bunch of nut jobs.

LeLu: Do you think they are after me?

Jack: I doubt it. He was aiming at me. Where is a sheriff when you need one.

Jack used his strengthening magic to speed up and dodge several objects in his path as he made his way through the alleys in the city. A few armed men jumped out to grab him and LeLu so he kicked a sack of garbage at them before running by them. It was a hard paced run but he finally made it out of the city as he was carrying LeLu over his shoulder as she was out of breath. As he looked back he saw several men giving chase to him.

Jack: This place is messed up. Were out of here.

Jack then made a beeline for the forest.

Tag (Jack doesn't know the law is after him. He thinks you are bandits)

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