
"But burst into his room, and he and this companion of his might escape out the window. Perhaps it would be best if you simply flushed him out of the Inn toward me?”

" Ah, but that's the thing isn't it. I could scale the wall to his room and flush him out to the front, but I'd have to know where exactly he is first. Otherwise I'm coming through the door and he's still got the window. Was considering asking the Innkeeper, but honestly, you look like you can put on better faces than me."

There were small but help hints the woman laid. Her tactical prowess, skill with a bow, knowledge of poisons, and the fact that she had no qualms with ending this half-elf's life. She was skilled in the art of death, a killer, and with the clothes she wore, she was likely a pro. He figured manipulation was within her deadly metaphorical toolbelt.

"If you can find his room, I'll come in through the window, and force him out to the front. As far as damaging him, I'll see what I can do."

He looked up at the Inn, looking through the many windows for the, what, twelfth time?

"I wanted to use these windows to see if I could spot him early, but what if he did so first? And if he did, that would likely mean his room is on our side of the Inn. In that case, we'd want him to try and use the window; he'd still be moving towards you."

Oru had good eyes, he couldn't help but use them, and he had a bad habit of thinking of every possibility.

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