Rather Rude

((Viebeck, 2 YSTR))

The instant he climbed up, Tolkyn saw the bunching of muscles in a tell-tale of the action to come. With a sudden explosion of movement, Shield threw the man straight to the ground. He lay there, stunned. After a moment he got up. The dwarf was already laughing, as much as it pained him. The lad had an angry look upon him.

"The deal's off... You can keep your stupid miniature beast. I don't need it anyway..." Artem grumbled and turned around to simply leave the scene.

Normally, he would brush off such remarks but today had been a particularly draining day. His mirth left him to be replaced by anger. Shield looked to him as if to say, Well that was rude.

He agreed. He spun the purse the lad gave him as he called out to him. "Boy!" came the near thunderous shout only a dwarf could muster. "You forgot your money!" With that, he let loose on the final spin. It sailed through the air to strike the brash youth. Needless to say, it struck hard with some weight.

"Perhaps you can buy yourself some better ears so that you can hear when someone tells you 'not for sale!'" said the dwarf to the Man, taking a step forward with a look of displeasure. "Not to mention that was rather rude! You will apologize to my steed!"

(OOC: he is rather mad 😉))

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