Downward Spiral

Who: Amber, Two Security Grunts
Where: Blue Dwarf
When: After the shuttle landed
The corridors of the dwarf were blackened and burned after the fight
with the hymenopterra. The shuttle touched down and security were
there waiting, the red-shirts were there with chains ready to pounce
on the mad Amber. Security stormed the shuttle and chained Amber up.
They slapped her around the face to wake her up and dragged her to
her feet. She howled with rage as the effects of the Bliss and the
implant from Evil Phil lingered and still affected her system making
her rage and fume at being captured. They dragged her out of the
flight deck and for a brief moment Amber thought she saw herself
down the coridor. A memory was triggered, just before she blew up
the Blue Dwarf, a vision of her future self glaring into her eyes.
She did the same, glared down the corridor straight into the past
version of herself's eyes. Amber pulled at her bonds, and screamed
at the guards.
"I'll rip your throat out you miserable excuse for a human!" She
yelled. The security grunts stopped, there was no one around. They
hauled Amber to the side and pinned her to the wall.
"Shut up you evil piece of smeg" One said holding her by the
throat off the floor.
"You need to pay for what you did! Our friends have died because
of you!" The second said, punching her in the face. Blood trickled
from her nose, and she was beaten againand again. Unable to fight
back because of her bonds she took her beating without making a
sound, a smirk on her face.
When she was eventually hauled into the brig and locked in a
temporary cell in the Security Office the bruises had already
started to develop. She looked a state but was unfazed by her
condition. Amber hissed in Hymenopterran at the Security Crew and
cursed them in the alien language. The Security were scared by
Amber, she looked downright evil. Her eyes were as black as night
and the bruises made her face swollen and misshapen, the language
just made it worse. They practically threw her into the cell, with
her chains still on and slammed the door. She skidded accross the
floor and slammed her head on the wall, knocking her unconscious.
Deep in Amber's body her nanos were getting beaten, the more they
tried to assult the invading force, the more the were pushed back.
They sent out a cry for help, a simple SOS on all frequencies that
their host was dying, was being eaten from the inside out by a force
unknown to them. There were two sets of nanos that picked up on the
distress signal, an electrical impulse. The nanos belonged to Jack
FeBuggure and John Keats, the two people cringed as their nanos
pulled on their consciousness and sucked it inwards......
<To Be Continued>

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