no. no! NO! OH DEAR GOD NO!!!

OOC: Introducing my NPC!(that i will add to site crew roster as soon
as i figure out why it doesn't work!)
When: Just after Jay escaped
Who: Efof and Mk.7
Where: Drifting in space
The good ship 'Flying Circus' slowly drifted and spun through space,
the gravity of the massive mining ship keeping them from drifting
too far. For most of the time, it's occupants had no idea of the
horror about to be unleashed upon them.
"Mk.7, I seem to have a... thing." said Efof quizzically
"A thing you say? Well, let me just get out my big book of things
and we can determine what kind of a 'thing' it is." retorted Mk.7,
making a movement like opening a book.
"It's on the radar. It's a blippy thing. It's small. Uh, it's
long... Its a long small blippy thing."
Mk.7 sighed, grabbed Efof's head, and positioned it to look straight
out of the window at the smallish longish pod coming straight at
"Oh! So THATS what it was."
"Well, lets pick it up shall we?"
"Should I break out the emergency power supply?"
"Yeah, but be careful with it. And we only need enough to power the
retro's and the door."
Efof then proceded to open a hatch in the back of the Blue Midget,
and rummage around. After a few seconds he pulled out a rat and put
it in a wheel connected to wires that in turn led to a power conduit.
"Heh, see Efof? That'll teach scientists to dismiss the seemingly
absurd ideas put forward by cartoons. Half the time they work."
A few minutes later there was enough power built up to fire the
retros and open the door for the pod to smoothly fly in.
"Well, let's see what we caught!" said Efof exitedly, and ran into
the room hurridly pressing the large red shiny button before even
thinking about the possible concequences.
"Efof! You shouldn't just go around thawing strangers."
With that a figure stepped out in an overly dramatic puff of cold
fog. She Was tall, black and had long black hair.
"Hello there, Mk.6"
"Actually its Mk.7 n..." said Mk.7 before stopping and freezing
"Heh, happy to see me?" said the figure, to which Mk.7 feebly
replied with a shake of the head.
"Who is this Mk.7?" said Efof feeling left out
"K, K, K, Ka, KAAAA , KatZ." he finally managed.
"Yes, he shot me into space for contracting the 'bimbo' virus" said
"But over the years in suspended animation, a diode blew, and parts
of me reanimated. Namely, my immune system. It killed the bimbo
virus off, restoring me to my normal self, and now, I'm gonna make
your life a living hell, Mk.7"
"NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" screamed Mk.7 racing to the
control panel and raising Blue Dwarf on the radio.
<tag anyone, we have a new member to the medical staff, and general
OOC2: story soon to be added to fanfic section of BD site

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