**Action** Seymour the Suave
Posted byPosted: Jun 5, 2005, 2:47pm
Who: Seymour Niples and Efof Yuwan'KarWhere: MedibayWhen: As the phasing aliens destroyed Parrotts~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Seymour gagged as he looked through the hole in Efof's foot. "Itsfine, really!" said Efof as happily as ever.Seymour pointed at the gaping wound. "But
!" then he saw Efof
had a drip of the most powerful painkillers straight into his arm androlled his eyes in understanding. Efof could have had a crocodileclamping down on his nads and wouldn't feel a thing."It wanted to get to the wormhole drive
" Efof said, almost in a
delirious state."Any idea why?" Asked Seymour."Dunno. Probably wanted to nick it I suppose, I didn't really want toengage it in conversation- it pinned me to the floor!"Seymour turned to Holly. "Holly old chap... I mean dude
I mean old
Who's guarding the Wormhole drive?"Holy appeared on screen and gave a puzzled expression. "Erm
none.All security are in Parrotts fighting the aliens.""What?! Don't they know that's an obvious distraction!!!!" Shouted
Seymour and darted out of the room, towards the Engineering Controlcentre where the wormhole drive was.*************Who: SeymourWhere: Corridor outside Engineering ControlWhen: few minutes later
Seymour waited patiently in the corridor until one of the darkcoloured aliens walked out. Its bright glowing eyes widened insurprise as it saw the Royal Ambassador waiting for him.
Seymour played it cool. He calmly raised an eyebrow and eyed up thealien. It was carrying the wormhole drive in its arms."Trying to steal our wormhole drive?" Seymour enquired. "
we're quite fond of it you know."The alien looked at it and then at Seymour. Then it spoke. "Actually,no. We don't want it." He raised it above his head and slammed it onthe ground. The drive broke into two pieces.
"We just don't want you to have it." Continued the alien.Seymour was shocked, but tried not to let it show. Instead he pulledout an expensive cigar and lit it."You know, we've found a way to beat you
" Seymour said, taking a
puff of the cigar, coughing slightly but still believing it made himlook elegant. The cigar smoke drifted up to a sprinkler in theceiling which started spraying water all over the alien. He didn'tflinch.
"What? You think you can kill me with water?" He said, his eyesglowing with every word. He even phased out a little so that themajority of the water passed straight through him."No
electricity!" Seymour said quickly reaching for a wall socked
and pulling out a wire, and stabbed it into the puddle of wateraround the alien. The glowing eyes turned to an expression of panicas the alien was electrocuted."Smooth!" Seymour grinned and stubbed out the cigar. The dead alien
fell to the floor. It was only a shame that nobody had seen his niftylittle manoeuvre.Sadly, he picked up the two broken pieces of the wormhole drive andtook them to engineering.He approached McJohn and Severn with the broken pieces. "How long
will this take to fix?" He asked.McJohn looked at it. "About a week or two." he said.Seymour sighed. "Looks like we're not going far for a while."**********
Who: Seymour NiplesWhere: Flight Deck~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Seymour walked past the flight bay and saw Jay Chrysler walking alongthe corridor the opposite way followed by an entourage of Hymenopteraspiders. "More of them?!" Said Seymour to Jay.
Jay hushed him. "We're allies remember! Pay some respect to our newfriends!" A Hymenoptera behind him snarled at Seymour and drooled onthe deck.Seymour took Jay aside "Yes but
remember who they are before you go
filling our entire ship with them! For all we know, this could all bea rouse to get lots of Hymenopteran warriors on the ship!"Jay pushed Seymour against the wall. "I know what I'm doing Seymour!
I'm connected to their mind, I know what they're thinking! Trust me.""There's still plenty of questions I want answering." SaidSeymour. "Like who are these aliens! And why do they want to kill us
so badly? And why they wanted to destroy the wormhole drive, why wasit such a threat to them?""I thought you would have worked it out by now Seymour." SaidJay. "The aliens are a blackish greenish colour, same as the
Hymenoptera. They have a vaguely insectoid appearance, despite beinghumanoid.""So they're a new Hymenopteran species?" Asked Seymour."Well, sortof." Said Jay. "The Hymenoptera are experts in genetic
engineering. So they tried to create a human/hymenoptera hybrid toinfiltrate Earth.""THEY were created to look human? But
well they're rubbish! I thinkat least 8 out of 10 cats would be able to tell the difference!"
Jay smirked. "Yes. The Hymenoptera realised this too. So abandonedall efforts. They sent them to work in the mines of the planet belowand many others instead.""Typical!" Said Seymour. "I guess every civilisation are guilty of
sending inferiors to the pits every now and again. I thought theHymenoptera were just far too evil for that!" He mocked.Jay continued. "Well the rest of the story should sound pretty
familiar then. The aliens didn't like the idea, so developed a hatredof their creators. So rebelled and are now on a killing rampage,angry at everything and killing everything!""And we get in the crossfire." Said Seymour bitterly. "For something
thats the Hymenoptera's fault!""They need our help. That's one step closer to peace in the galaxyright?" said Jay."Or one more opportunity for the human race to get stepped on and
abused." Seymour said cynically. He took a deep breath, then lookedconfused. "So how can the aliens walk through walls? And where didthey get their ships from?""Remember the destroyed civilisation on the surface that I showed
you? They had phasing technology, the aliens merely found theseancient ruins and used their technology and ships. They'reresourceful like that, and intelligent. That's why they need to bestopped!"*****************Somewhere else on the Blue Dwarf, two Hymenoptera warriors met totalk. In a series of clicks and insect squeals they said:"I heard the Wormhole drive has been destroyed. Maybe we are wasting
our time with the humans. They can not help us any more!""No. The drive is merely damaged. It can be repaired. We still needthem. For now."
OOC - Care of the Onionmyster :D