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Idwal Everrett  Mining Engineer
John Keats  Jet Jockey
Quilbert the Faithful Ferret
On board the Mining Frieghter out in the Debris Field

" I'm sorry" said the voice taking on a nasty edge " But my sensors clearly detect the presence of fur on the flight deck.  Forty seconds to complete shutdown and clamping.  The hirer shall of course be liable to all expenses incurred in the retrieval and unclamping of the vehicle."
"Keats!" said Idwal "Do something!"
At that precise moment the alarm klaxons on the command deck began to bleat.  Idwal spun round and gave the screens in front of him a rapid glance.
 "Alien ship on collision course!" He yelled as the external monitors confirmed what the instruments were saying.  Idwal grabbed the controls and attempted to manouvre the ship out of the oncoming vessels path.  The frieghter didn't move a millimetre
"Evasive action!" yelled Idwal to the computer.  The rather prim voice of before answered.
 "As clearly staed before because of the presence of fur on the flightdeck, contrary to rules and regulations the controls of this ship have, as I stated quite clearly some moments ago, been clamped. Furthermore....."   The rest was lost in the loud yells isssuing from the humans on board as the alien craft swept down upon them and then, and then appeared to pass right through them!  Idwal and Keats could only watch in amazement as the vessel appeared to emerge from the otherside of their ship and continued on a collision course with the mighty Blue Dwarf itself.
"That was totally wierd in a very weird sort of way" observed Idwal.  Then Keats yelped and pointed at the monitors.  The alien ship had reached the Blue Dwarf and plunged straight into it without causing any apparent damage.
"You don't see that every day" observed Keats
Idwal tried the controls and the ship responded. "Hey we have the com back!"
"Well lets get out of here!" responded Keats
As Idwal turned the ship in a looping arc towards the Blue Dwarf  he said to Keats
"Odd how  we got control back when that alien ship flew through us"
"Yeah" replied Keats "Just shows how lady luck can ride your shoulder"
Two decks below them the alien that the passing craft had deposited within them began to move
A dull thud echoed up to the flight deck
"What was that? asked Keats
"Dunno" shrugged Idwal
Little did they know it was the sound of lady luck falling off their shoulders

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