Re: *ACTION* The contest begins.

"ALL HANDS TO BATTLE STATIONS" cames Alota's voice over the
tannoy. "Pilots
"Guess this must be the first battle huh?!" Keats asked Jay, who now
had a
bruise on his forehead.
"You gotta little something on your..." Keats said, gesturing at his
own head.
"Just get in the endymion..." Jay said
"Holly, whats out there?!"
"This..." said Holly, and displayed an image of the opposing vessel,
a green shuttle, no bigger than a starbug had appeared, cartoony in
Emblaxoned upon its hull was a logo with the words "PLANET EXPRESS"
"Think you can handle it alone?!" Jay asked.
"Easy..." replied Keats, firing up the engines of his MIG.
He thundered out of the shuttlebay toward the delivery ship.......
<end clip>
As Keats hurtled towards the small delivery ship, he noticed the
doors on the side slide open and a lone object float out. "What in
the smeg?!" said Keats under his breath. Soon afterwards the
delivery ship sped off as if running from something. Several seconds
later the sensors in Keats' ship discovered what the lone object
was; a light-bee. All of the space infront of Keats started to
become distorted as a ship started to materialize all around the
light-bee. After several seconds, the ship became clearer and Keats
was just able to pull up in time as to avoid being splatered against
the side of the ship. "That was too smeggin' close!" Keats exclaimed
as he raced back towards the Blue Dwarfs hanger. Glancing back, he
was able to see what everyone elses eyes were fixed on; a perfect
hard-light holographic replica of the U.S.S Enterprise E. Although
dwarfed by the sheer enormity of the Blue Dwarf, it was still a
sight to behold.
<tag anyone>

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