The QB1.

<tagged from last post in the series 'erics alternate reality'>
**This Post brought to you by Jenny (cassy) and Chris (Chris)**
Jenny stood in front of them, and took the radio from her pocket.
"ok, we're done, you can come up here now" she said into it,
signalling her partner to come join them in the captains room.
Chris walked into the Captains room, still having the sword from his
pre- blue dwarf days sheathed at his belt,.
"Ok, thats better, now its 2 on 2, even more unfair than it was
before" Jenny said, pulling her hair away from her back, Chris stepped
up to her, and unzipped her catsuit, revealing her civilian style
clothes underneath. "I think we can enjoy the rest of this trip,
don't you?" she asked Chris, and winked at him.
Chris put an arm around her and stood facing Johnny and Eric, both of
whom now had a slightly bewildered look about them.
"well" began Jenny, letting her wrist blade retract to under her
shirt. "i hope you're going to co-operate and take us back to
ganymede station, the start of this journey." she said as the medics
appeared in the room. "we'll be in touch, try anything, and we will
kill you" she said, as her & Chris left the room, arm in arm.
"They don't look too co-operative" said Chris in a worried tone.
"We're not safe yet you know"
"yeah, i know. but i left a camera in there" she said, taking the data
pad from her pocket, it showed a clear view of the room they had been
in mere seconds ago.
"We have to get back control of the ship........but how?" said Johnny.
"Maybe we could capture the girl? If we capture her, the guy is bound
to relent by the looks of it" suggested Eric.
"yeah, sounds good" Johnny replied, and they began hatching out a plan...
"I think i've seen enough" said Chris, as he turned to go back,
quickly unsheathing his blade.
"too true my friend, too true" Jenny said, the blade on her wrist
flicking back into position. She picked up a gun from one of the
security guards that had been killed previously.
"friend?" he asked her, recieving a wink in return. "Lets go..." he
continued, a hand reaching for the door.....
"wait!" she whispered, grabbing his hand. She indicated the data pad,
which didn't show the previous 2 occupants of the room anymore.
"Smeg.....what's ha...." he was interrupted mid-sentence when Johnny
grabbed Jenny from behind and put a knife to her throat.
"We've got you now" he said happily, more to himself that anyone,
accidentally forgetting about lChris long enough to discover a 3'6"
blade held next to his throat.
"You so much as touch her, your life will be forfiet" said Chris,
"he can touch me all he likes, his life is forfeit anyway" Jenny said,
smiling evilly, even though her life was on the line. She used Chris'
help as a distraction, grabbing hold of Johnny's knife wielding hand,
holding it long enough to spin away, pointing the gun at Johnny's head.
"give me one good reason why i shouldn't kill you now" she demanded,
cocking the pistol.
"How about this?" said Eric, walking in slowly with a gun pointed at
each of them.
"ahh smeg" Jenny said, letting the hammer of the gun down slowly, then
dropping the gun. She then looked to Chris, who was still holding
Johnny at sword point. She blew a kiss to him.
"i wouldn't do that if i were you" Jenny said to Eric, walking towards
him. "you shoot either way, and your friend dies." she said. "I
don't know how well you know him, but i do know you can't sacrifice
him." She said, smiling as she stepped towards him.
"Only two people will die in this room" said Eric. Smiling at Johnny,
"And they'll be you two!!" shouted Chris, hurling three knives accross
the room at Eric, and pushing Jenny behind him.
"Hey! i don't need protecting you know" Jenny whispered to Chris, but
let him go anyway. She dived out to the side, and rolled. As she
did, she grabbed another two pistols, ending up on a knee, she pointed
both of them to eric and Johnny. "drop them" she ordered, seeing that
he'd managed to evade the knives, but was in no position to fire his guns.
"You've got 10 seconds or i'll cut his throat, and we all know you
couldn't live with that could you? Now comply" he said threateningly.
<tag johnny boy! we all know you can't win... two pilots against two
trained killers...>

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