The stupid scotsman is back

Who: CK
Where: Somewhere
When: Sometime
(not very helpful huh)
Kochanski roamed the coridoors of Blue Dwarf, he had no idea what had been going on. After all he'd been seperated from the others a long time a go and there was no power to the ships   intercom. So he was left with one choice, to roam araond in the dark with nothing but a Bazookoid and psi scanner for protection.
As he rounded a corner he saw a group of zombies trying to get through a large blast door. As they turned towards him CK didnt even hesitate in blasting them to pieces. He was about to make him self scarce before more of them turned up when his scanner began making that funny noice it does.
"Lets see," he muttered to himself as he pressed buttons "ah". As the screen came on Callum couldnt believe his eyes, there were two human life signs, trapped in the room behind the door. CK walked up to the panel near the door...
"Open" he ordered.   
"State security access code" replied the machine.
"Callum Kochanski 32, no I mean 39 I mean...." Ck realised he couldnt remember his code so instead he readied his bazookoid and blasted through, to reveal a petrified Jack and Melissa inside.
"Alright guys, gee they should really make these things a little sturdier huh?" The other two just stared at him angrily...

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