Baggage Checklist (short)

Where: The Hangar
McJohn walked into the hangar and began leaning against one of the
Starbugs. He set down the duffel bag he was carrying. He opened it,
then began checking through the contents, talking softly to himself.
"Tommy Gun, check. Magazines, check. Grenades, check. Toothbrush,
check. Flask of bourbon, check. Flashlight, check. Screwdriver check.
Canteen -- AAH!"
McJohn jumped as someone tapped him on the shoulder. He spun around
almost instantly, then froze.
"It's only me, mate." Chris Harris said.
"Don't smeggin' do that!" McJohn nearly screamed. "Nearly gave me a
"Say, where's the others?"
"Not here yet," Chris said. "Hey what's that?"
McJohn hurriedly concealed his flask of liquor. "Nothing," he lied.
"Right then," responded Chris, in a tone which suggested that he
didn't believe McJohn, but didn't give enough of a smeg to enquire
any further. "I'll go see if the others are coming."
As Chris walked off, McJohn bent over and took a quick swig from the
flask, screwed the top back on, and jammed it into his jacket's
inside pocket as far as it would go. Then he went back to searching
through the bag.
"Book to read on the trip, check. .357 Revolver, check. Night vision
goggles, check. Change of underwear, check. ..."

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