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C&F Posts
aka Becca/Rufus and Sean/Trisees
Who: Rufus, Trisees
When: Read and find out
---- Controlled Edit ----
"Not one of them is going to get us, not when I'm around," he saiddarkly.
Rufus hit the door open pad and the pair of them ran out into thecorridor, ready for anything.
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They sped down the corridor, hugging close to the walls, Rufus holding his dual metal sticks in the air like a pair of katanas.  Trisees held his single stick as best as he could with his single hand, using his elbow to move debris and push aside doors. Trisees stopped in mid run and brought his arm up slowly, keeping Rufus behind him and poked his head through a small opening branching off from another corridor. He stuck his head through part way and looked carefully at the next expanse in their way to the science department. There were about five Hive workers dismantling a large duct system and pulling the walls of some crew rooms apart, collecting the metal in a pile which a sixth hive worker was taking elsewhere. Rufus peered over Trisees shoulder and stared at the hive workers. He pulled out a small glass test tube and examined the contents.
"You may wanna stay back unless you wanna loose the other arm" Rufus said with a grin and threw the tube down the corridor. It smashed over a hive worker and sprayed the others, the GUNK melted through them like a hot knife through butter. Trisees stared at the melting hive workers with a fascination usually found on scientists. 
"What in the world was that?" he asked, a grin spreading widely over his face.  "Did you invent it?  Its amazing!"
"Kind of.... It's mostly left over waste from experiments. With some added things for fun. I call it G.U.N.K. Don't ask what it stands for, I cant remember." He blushed slightly at forgetting and handed Trisees another tube of the stuff. "Here, it may come in handy." Trisees took the GUNK and looked over it slowly, watching the liquid inside gloop about the tube.  He stared at it some more before pocketing it inside his lab coat. 
"Remarkable stuff!"  he said again, aloud.  "Shall we get going?" He rubbed his chin and tried to think back to his internal map of the bd's insides. "Its past this expanse, through three more corridors and then we should be at the science bay." Rufus nodded and walked on.
"How come you know the BD so well? I mean, you don't seem to get lost. I hate the fact it's so big." Trisees wiped some sweat from his forehead with a dirty sleeve.
"I...err.." he said hesitantly.  "Have this mental condition.  I saw a partial map of the Blue Dwarf once and can reconstuct the layout in my head."
"Mental condition?" asked Rufus.
"Its nothing really," said Trisees.
"Like a Photographic memory? I've never met anyone like that before. How cool, must come in handy. Unless you want to forget an Ex-girlfriend of course." Rufus said as they aproached the science bay. Trisees gave a quiet laugh and looked away distantly.
"You have no idea," he murrmured, shaking his head. Rufus didn't hear and continued by Trisees side, reaching the large thick and partially warped doors of the science bay.  It seemed as badly destroyed as the medibay was from the outside.  Metal sheets and panels lay in front of the doors which were twisted and barely shut. The pair of them peered into the science department, it was seemingly empty, but totally ransacked.
"Is there anywhere on this damn ship that isn't trashed!" Rufus growled stepping over the remains of something that looked slightly dangerous.
"Seems as though they're systematically removing parts of the insides of the ship.  But for what?" he asked aloud, not really expecting any kind of answer.
"Because they don't like us and want to make our life a living hell?" Rufus said shrugging and searching through the wreckage for something usefull. Finding another microscope he sighed and sat down. "This is useless."
"Now now Rufus, nothing's useless.  We're scientists.  We can create magic out of junk, and with a couple of minds like ours, there's absolute gold here."  Trisees picked up some broken test tubes and smiled at Rufus.  "Trust me."
"I guess your right, but i'm not that smart really." He picked up a petri dish and gave a wry smile. "Not everything is broken I see" Trisees smiled knowingly and said nothing, turning on his heel and nodding as Rufus began finding small un broken pieces of equipment. Rufus glanced over at Trisees, who had picked up an untouched mircorscope, and then grinned.

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