(no subject)

Who:Kara and Smith
Where:Blue Dwarf
When:After they landed
Smith immediately had his hands in the air.
"Come on Smith, show a little backbone once in a while!"
"Erm...Yeah! Back off grunts! I'm with Security!"
One of the mor intelligent looking grunts stared up at Smith with
the same sort of look one gives an ant your about to step on and
grindd into the dirt with your heel.
"Prove it."
"Ha! Ask me any question. Any one at all."
"When was this ship commissioned?"
"Thats actually an interesting question because I wasn't exactly on
board at that time-"
The grunt had reached the end of his very small capacity for reason
and had shot Smith in the arm, cutting off his speech and thereby
putting off the necessity for a few more brain cells.
"Was that really necessary? Can't you see the "H"?It stands for
hologram! You can't kill me, I'm already dead! I'm telling the
The grunt screwed up his already wrinkled face in an attempt to
convey what was obviosly supposed to be scepticism.
"We've got light-bees from the JMC! How could we have gotten them if
we weren't with you?"
The crowd of grunts eased up a bit on the bazookoids.
"Im a security officer."
The grunts put down the weapons.
"Yeesh. Took you long enough."
As they made their way through the mob, the head grunt wrinkled up
his nose.
When he reached the door to the Hangar, Smith looked back, almost in
"Oh ya. Take care of the shuttle for me will you? It apears to be
getting a tad restless..."
The Hymenoptra shuttle had begun waving its stinger around viciously.
Kara and Smith went their seperate ways.
Where whould he go now? Maybe he should head off to Security. It had
been deserted last time.
Holly's face apeared on the monitor he was facing in the corridor.
"Yeah paranoid dude?"
"I need to know where to go."
"Well.What do you wanna do?"
Smith though hard. Maybe he should get his multiple-personality
problem checked out...
"I need to see a Psychologist"
"Uh oh...."
"I want to see the best Psychologist on board actually now that I
think about it!"
"Heh heh...Patrick Cerebrum! Thats the bloke you should go and see!"
"Exellent! Where is he?"
Holly filled Smith in and sent his off in the nearest lift.
"Well. This'll be a laugh anyway..."
OOC:Indeed it will...
<tag ben!>

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