The Great Detective Proves His Skill

McJohn strode into Jay's office purposely, then dropped a small ball
of something red and waxy looking onto his desk.
"A clue," he said proudly.
"Where'd you find it?" asked Alota.
"On the floor of the cargo bay." McJohn replied, "The murderer must
have dropped it."
Jay picked up the ball and examined it. Then he noted that "It's all
At that moment Phil entered, his mouth full of chewing gum. He took a
tissue from the desk, spat the gum into it, and tossed it into the
trash can nearby. Alota examined the wad of gum, then looked at
McJohn again.
"Hey Sherlock," she said, "That 'evidence' is Phil's chewing gum."
"Oh," said McJohn, "Well, that explains how it got stuck to my shoe."

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