Dave...my mind is going.....

fighters all moved together, flying rings around the Blue Dwarf
taking pot shows at every target.
** meanwhile in the Febuggure Quarters **
Jay had dropped the two Phil's back at home...Then came back to
remove Alota's bra from MP's pocket..
Tara knew it was a bad idea to leave MP alone with young Phil..For a
start the youth effect had started to affect his brain and Phil was
now playing with Rufus's Transformer...sadly he was trying to
trasnform it into somthing not quite what the manufactures
"Phil Put that down..."
Over the last few days this would normaly result in either
a - Temper tantrums
b - Sulks
c - crying
d - Sulks AND crying
e - All of the above.
Only this time was silence..Tara stuck he head round the door...and
to her horror saw the ventalation grid open..Boths Phil's had gone
into the ventalation system and she could hear them crawling about
laughing and giggling like...well a bot and his midget..
She could only make out a few words but could have sworn she heard
words like "..r Keto" and "..tment.."
Rushing to the vid phone she called the *ahem* good doctor to let
him know that two rather dangerous and inquistive child-like people
might soon be dropping in on him...in a literall sense...

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