RE: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] 1 Choco-chew <ERNK> please

The figures 0.00 flashed on the screen.
"" said Dean, after a suitably long pause. He pulled
out his comlink. "Jay?"
"We may have a problem..."
“We have a problem whenever you’re
aboard ship Dean”
“No but this time it’s
serious!!!” Dean protested
“How much more serious could it be?!
Did they clone you too?!” Jay shuddered at that thought
“Look just get down here!”
Jay shook his head and flipped shut his
com-link. “Later Jack” he said grabbing one of the pint’s of
lager left on his table.  
He arrived in the shuttle bay, sipping
from his beer.
“This better be important Dean”
he said
Dean looked at Holly’s screen, “Holly,
show him”
The figures flashed up on the screen.
Jay spat a mouthful of lager from his
mouth, in surprise then downed the rest. “WHAT?!”
“We’ve got no money!!”
“After everything I’ve done
for him!”
“Like what?!”
“Like projecting Wildlflower’s
image over his own hologram to make Keto fall madly in love with him for one”
“Oh so he sure owes you a favour…”
Dean said sarcasm dripping from his voice.
“Like he’s gonna get any
action otherwise..”
“Hmm…” Dean ‘hmmed’
raising an eyebrow “Good point”
Jay sat back on the cargo crate behind him,
slumping his head in his hands “Look Holly is this legal?!”
“Absolutely”  Holly
replied “You signed it over to him”
“Through deceitful means…”

“Signatures a signature”
“What about Alota, as captain surely
she can cancel the transaction”
“No, all budget issues are internal
within departments, its down to you to see how the money is spent, unless of
course it puts the safety of the ship at risk”
said, sitting upright. “Without a bidget we can’t fly, or steer the
‘Dwarf right?”
“Right…” said Dean
“So without being able to do those
things we A, Can’t fly out to pick up urgent supplies B, Can’t avoid
crashing into planets”
“Didn’t avoid that when you
WERE piloting..” Dean said
Jay shot him a glare “…and if
we do we can’t pull off a spectacular piece of piloting to perform an
emergency landing”
“You still stick to that don’t
“You’re face will be sticking
to my fist in a minute…”
“and C, we can’t defend the
ship from invading alien craft”
“All good point’s” said Holly
”But you’re forgetting one thing that out-weighs all of that”
“Which is?”
“No budget keeps Dean on Terra-Firma
and out of the sky..I don’t need to tell you how much safer that makes it”
“We’re screwed…”
Jay said
“There must be something we can do..”
Dean said
<Tag Deano, sorry Jack I don’t know
what ya mean!>
Message-----From: Chris Allan
[mailto:chris_allan669@...] Sent: 13
March 2004 23:02To: JMC_Blue_Dwarf@yahoogroups.comSubject: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] 1
Choco-chew <ERNK> please

Dean was in the Raven's
midsection. He had just put the chipmunk in a storage cupboard (in case any
more clones came along, you can never be too careful) and was about to consider
repairing that loose circuit on the toastie machine when he decided to have choco-chew
bar from the vending machine.


The Raven, being the
immense ship that it was, had a vending machine aboard in its cavernous
mid-section. It was rigged up to the navigation department's budget, it was
essentially a vending machine tab. The amount you spent was deducted from your
wages at the end of the week. Last week Dean had the grand total of -4
dollarpounds for his wage. Today being Friday, Dean was not only expecting
payment, he was also rather hungry, having laid off the choco-chew bars in
order to avoid the embarassment of a negative wage packet. Still, 1 wouldn't


"1 Choco-chew bar



Perhaps this noise
requires a little more explanation. Imagine, if you will, a tractor being asked
to move the Empire State Building whilst it was occupied with a
colony of severely overweight hippos. Then multiply it by 10. The noise the
tractor made would be similar to the <ERNK> made by the Choco-chew bar


"Umm.. what?"

"You have no

"Doesn't usually
stop me" pointed out Dean, quite fairly.

"Not you. Your

"Oh COME ON! I've
not crashed for months! It can't be out of money! HOLLY!" Dean yelled for
the senile balding Londoner. He popped up on one of the screens in the Raven.

"Yes Dean?"

"Display the budget
of the department please."

"Why?" asked

"Because I asked you
to?" said Dean. After a pause.

"Alright then."

The figures 0.00 flashed
on the screen.

"" said
Dean, after a suitably long pause. He pulled out his comlink. "Jay?"


"We may have a


POSTING!" Thomas

the universe from the scum of the the Blue Dwarf guide to the galaxy!Your
number one resource in all things Blue Dwarf related!

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