Confrontations of the Dead

The deceased Security officer working under the assumed name of John Smith
pulled his head out of the wall and stood up. Now was not the time for
whining. Amazed he could actually have such a thought, given his aspirations
to be Chief Tattletail of the JMC, Smith grimaced.
Perhaps it would help if he tried to remember the series of events that had
brought him here, to the Blue Dwarf.
Materializing on the Drive Room floor. Losing atmoshere and making a suprise
visit to Purgatory. Crashing the Blue Midget. Being squished by a falling
rock from that godforsaken castle. Waking up as a soft-light hologram.
Deciding to create this bloody timeline, all the good that had done.
Lord it sucked to be a hologram though. Sure he could still be usefull
intellectually for surveillance, but what use is a security officer who
couldnt maintain security?Although he had never actually done this, his
superiors had always ignored it because he was so good at being a weasely
Wait a minute! What about that wacky new idea R and D had been working
on.....Hard-Light holograms!
The ever-suffering Holly looked down at Smith from his monitor.
"Yeah dude?"
"Can you make me into one of those holograms that can touch things?"
"A Hard-Light hologram?"
"Thats the ticket!"
Holly transferred John into one of the light bees.
Smith decided he had had just about enough passing in and out of
concsciousness and being ignored by everyone else. The best way to go about
doing this, he imagined, was to find someone to meet.
John stepped into Security. It felt good to be back.
A female officer was also there. Her name tag read Carrigon.
John gulped. He had never been especially good at talking to women. However,
the one person he never broke promises to was himself.
"Hello. Im Smith. John Smith"
Im so sorry if i spelt your name wrong.
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