Pointless bickering

Content preview: Who: Keto, Cerebrum Where: Promenade Retail Outlet
When: Sheesh =========== > > Cerebrum leapt forward, and brought
his arm around with a stunning > forearm blow to the back of head. The
man fell, and Cerebrum > grabbed him by the collar. > > "All right
buddy," Cerebrum growled, shaking the man. "You > shortchanged my boss
twenty-five pennycents the last time > he was here. Pay up!" > [...] Content analysis details: (8.1 points, 5.0 required)
pts rule name description
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1.9 BANG_BOSS BODY: Talks about your boss with an exclamation!
0.9 HTML_RELAYING_FRAME BODY: Frame wanted to load outside URL
0.1 HTML_FONTCOLOR_BLUE BODY: HTML font color is blue
2.1 MIME_HTML_ONLY BODY: Message only has text/html MIME parts
2.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message
0.9 HTML_40_50 BODY: Message is 40% to 50% HTML
0.1 HTML_LINK_CLICK_HERE BODY: HTML link text says "click here"
0.1 CLICK_BELOW Asks you to click below
X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.39

"Another mission successfully accomplished," nodded Cerebrum, smiling thinly. 
"You're on a mission to mug people?" asked Keto raising an eyebrow. 
"That's classified," stated Cerebrum.
“Mugging is classified?” Keto asked. “I didn’t know you were so strapped
for cash that you needed to resort to mugging. Still, it does fit in with your
usual modus operandi.”
“Are you trying to imply that I’m
a morally challenged person?” Cerebrum demanded, stepping forward.
“You’re not a morally challenged
person. That implies you actually having any morals to be challenged. You’re
a moral vacuum,” Keto explained, smirking.
“Oh, that’s rich coming from
you,” Cerebrum shot back. He looked around shiftily. “But
enough of this pointless bickering. Have you noticed anything unusual going
on onboard the ship?”
“You mean besides psychiatrists dressing
up in tuxedos and mugging innocent doctors and store clerks?”
“Besides that,” snapped
“Besides the everyday activities of
ninety-five percent of the crewmembers?” replied Keto.
“Besides that!”
“Well, someone did put up a bunch of
tripwires in the medi-bay a while ago,” mused
Dr Keto.
“Oh, that was me. I was playing a
prank on you,” Cerebrum replied, grinning at the memory.
“WHAT? I tripped and knocked myself
out, a patient of mine nearly died because of that!” shouted Keto at Cerebrum.
“Since when do you care about your patients?”
“He was insured! If he died, then
his relatives got the insurance money, instead of me!”

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