That Friday Feeling....
"I never noticed he looked so hot before" she mumbled under her
breath, her mind racing. 'those eyes, that hair... that body...' She
thought, jumping to her feet. She undid the top few buttons on her
shirt, untied her hair and ran over to Keats. "Hey, John. How you
doin'?" She said standing infront of him and blocking his progress.
<end clip>
John Keats, aged 21, last girlfriend, Unknown, he never really could
be botherd with the whole courting, presents and flowers sort of
thing. But now, standing infront of him was a rather attractive young
lady who was, perhaps not intentionally, but definatly sporting a
rather revealing clothing, plus, the hair seemed to destroy his leg
'Ah... im... ah, what i mean to say is... ahha... ahem, Im fine
Amber, how are you today?'
Even tho the sheer mess that was his brain cut out the usual male
female chemistry, that stuff in the air really did a number on him.
And he was just noticing how appealing a willing 18 year old was...
Amber flung her hair backwards and laughed in a way that really
played with Keats mind.
'Oh, you know'
Keats had gone bright red by now, his lack of dealing with the
opposite sex certainly came through now.
'So, what are you doing then... Amber?'
'Not much really, sitting around, working on the ship'
Now, ships was something keats knew alot about, but somehow, he was
preoccupied by something else.
'Fancy a drink Amber?'
'Only if your buying'
Keats gulped and led the way.
OOC- Smooth moves Keatsy they call him