Joining the fun.

“Scatter!” Alota ordered “And take ‘em down!”
Tara, morphed back into the hawk, but this time, on a scale similar to the
winged creatures, and took the skies.
Alota lowered her sunglasses and let rip energy blast after energy blast, at
the beasts while Phil and Keto grabbed whatever they could find and using
their powers promptly charged them with energy and launched them at the
Jay, on the other hand was having difficulty. He would flame up, but before
he was able to take to the skies, Seymour would blow a gust of wind at the
nearest creature, sure, it would blow the beast off course, but it would put
out Jay’s flame as well.
“Would ya STOP that?!” Jay scolded, slapping Seymour hard round the back of
the head.
Seymour dazed refrained from blowing long enough for Jay to ignite, and take
to the skies alongside Tara.
The streets, were chaos, winged wraiths and super-human Dwarfer’s
battling…except for Canazza, who was hiding inside a nearby wall.
Keto, was distracted, and reached down to grab something to hurl at the
Wraith’s. “Hmm.. Strange” he mused, “I thought we broke the bottle of wine…”
The polymorph, during the confusion had fused itself back together, and
morphed back into the bottle…
<End Clip>
Who: Dante, Keats, Amber, Jack, and Dean.
Where: The hill/cliff above the on going battle.
When: During the battle.
Dante had managed to get to his shaky feet, and was now following everyone
up the hill. It looked like an humours line. There was Jack now leading the
way, every now and again glowing from using his powers. Keats was carrying a
bag of Dean, which was wriggling and mumbling something about not being able
to breath. And then there was Amber trying to convince Dante that the worms
and ants on the floor where not after his toes.
Jack was the first to reach the top of the cliff, he froze. Pure chaos was
raining bellow. Keats walked up to Jack, “What’s up mate, Holy Smeg!” Keats
dropped the bag of Dean, which then started to spill limbs everywhere. “I
can breath.” Erupted Dean’s head. Dante with much encouragement from Amber
managed to reach the cliff top.
Dante looked down, “AHHHHHHHHHHHH” Dante promptly became invisible. Dante’s
scream alerted on of the Pad Wraiths, he turned to see the collection of new
Dwarfer’s on the cliff top. The winged beast, propelled its master up the
cliff face.
“KAME.” Jack was glowing, his arms were out straight ad he was firing white
pulses of light at the fast approaching winged beast. The Pad Wraiths beast
was dodging the pulses magnificently. It then flew above the group and
landed behind them leaving them no place to run.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh” there was another scream from Dante as he backed over the
edge of the cliff in shear fear. Keats looked down just in time to see Dante
re-materialise and land on the tail of a second beast. “Smeg, now what?”
Moaned Keats.
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