**Action* "Turning"

**ACTION** "Turning"
"Red alert - a jump capable Hymenoptera vessel has followed us here.
It is only a scout, so if we don't let it get a message back to the
fleet, we should be okay. Alota out."
The Demon shot up into the sky, where the insect-like Hymenoptera
scout hovered, and started spewing what looked like green snot at
the tallest of the skyscrapers, which burned into their metal
structures like acid.
"Coming into range…" Said Johnny.
Suddenly about 100 Aeron fighters overtook them from behind on full
afterburn, cut in front and started pounding the Hymenoptera ship
with an array of weapons.
The smaller Aeron fighters broke off their attack, allowing a larger
ship to enter the scene, it fired a single missile which struck the
insect in its underbelly. The Hymenoptera's skin turned a dark
singed grey and then the entire ship burst into flames.
The Hymenoptera barrel rolled, like a beetle rolling over, and
shrivelled up before disintegrating.
**In the Demon**
Seymour looked out of the window gobsmacked. "We need that weapon!
It was reet good!" Then he blinked at himself, "sorry- I don't think
I've got over that hallucination yet."
**Aeron Grand Council Chamber ship**
Seymour entered the council chamber on the ship they'd first talked
with the Aeron. Most of the Aeron tribal leaders were absent, only
the Mayor of the city sat at the big table, his advisor stood nearby.
"Ahh Mr Nipples wasn't it?" Asked the Aeron mayor in greeting.
Seymour cringed.
"Niples sir, only one `P'" Seymour corrected.
The mayor looked shocked. "Really? That's disgusting!"
"Errm… right…" Seymour looked confused, but didn't bother to ask. He
put it down to cultural differences and moved on.
"Well actually I'm here because I was wondering if I could enquire
about the special weapon you have for using on the Hymenoptera, such
a weapon would be useful in our cause. The Hymenoptera are a strong
enemy, and I think working together would benefit us both…"
"Hang on, hang on!" Said the Mayor standing up. His wings started
twitching, Seymour guessed this meant he was getting a bit worked up.
"Havn't we been generous enough?! We have taken you into our city
despite any proper security or background checks, we have showed you
a few weapons, even given you a few, and you're asking for more?
"Well in the spirit of christmas maybe I was hoping…"
"I don't know who that is! But listen to me Mr Niples –if that IS
your real name… Your presence here has caused a lot of upset. We've
had reports of more than 3 mysterious deaths, three buildings have
been destroyed beyond repair from damage to your ship crashing into
them, we've had traffic reports that people have been hit by your
vessels, shot by our own weapons as testing, and one was apparently
spiced in half by a laser sword! We've overlooked quite a lot, and
your people have even accused Aeron citizens of stealing something
called `booze'."
"Oh…" Said Seymour.
"Your people are on very thin ice, we were thinking of asking you to
leave very soon. You are overstaying your welcome, any other events
and you are out."
There was a few flushing sounds coming from the back room, then
Keats popped out of a door. "Sorry, I was just borrowing your
toilet. Cant seem to flush it away though…"
"RIGHT THAT'S IT!" Said the Aeron Mayor. "Get out of our city!"
Seymour shot a nasty look at Keats.
The awkward silence was interrupted by footsteps of someone running
into the council room.
"Mr Mayor!" Said an Aeron who was almost flying inside. "We have
just received word from the investigators working on our sister
planet where the Aeron-ogla tribe disappeared."
"Oh yes?" Asked the Mayor. "Our poor beloved brothers. We miss them
very much, DAMN THE ENIRAM!"
"Yes sir… well. They found this picture that was taken a week before
the Aeron-Ogla were all killed. It's the most recent record found
that wasn't destroyed." He showed it to the mayor.
Seymour looked around in confusion, and started to sweat under the
collar. Keats walked up. "Am I missing something?"
The Aeron mayor looked at the picture. He pondered for a moment,
then turned it around and showed Seymour.
The picture was a photograph of the Blue Dwarf bobbing in the ocean
on the last planet they met the Aerons.
"Ahh…" Said Seymour.
"Oh cool." Said Keats "I heard about that, it was before I came
"I can explain." Said Seymour. "We tried to help the Aerons…"
The mayor wasn't listening. He loudly announced. "SEYMOUR NIPPLES,
"But it was an Eniram attack, it wasn't us! I tried to warn them!"
"If you knew, you must have conspired." Said the Mayor and turned to
his guards and advisor. "Arrest all of the humans and impound their
"But sir, it's a 5-mile long vessel, we haven't got anywhere to
impound anything that big!"
"Well, just remove its engines and we'll use it to replace one of
the buildings that they crashed into. One of them was a 5 mile high
sanitary-towel factory, we've just gained a 5 mile long one instead!"
"Yes sir. And the crew? Shall we imprison them and torture them?"
"Ooh more booze and curry?" Keats thought.
The mayor thought about it. "Well, as hey feel quite homely on the
Blue Dwarf, maybe when we've converted it into the factory, we can
put them to work there…"
"Oh dear god!" Said Seymour.
"LEGGIT!" Shouted Keats.
"Indeed." Said Seymour, and when he turned around, Keats was already
With guards chasing them, they both managed to escape from the
Council ship. They ran up a long twisting platform that lead to the
Blue Dwarf a good half mile away. Seymour got his phone out.
"Niples to Alota, get everyone back on the ship as soon as we can,
we're cutting the trip short. You wouldn't believe the torture they
have planned for us!"
Seymour looked up at the massive floating metal space gate ring
structure that highlighted the skyline. Thick looking metal insets
irised shut, barring any entry or exit through the gate.
"Good God, how are we going to get away now?"
Sirens rang out through the city, and Aeron military ships launched
vertically from platforms, gathering together and started
approaching the bulky Blue Dwarf…

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