Niples "Epidemic?"

Cmdr Niples
JMC Blue Dwarf
First officers office
"And then I shot blowfish and then I drew some explosives, but I couldn't escape in time and...well I died."
"Hang on a second, Mr. Mackenzie." Said Niples, leaning back in his chair across the desk, trying to listen to as little as possible to the shopkeeper. "What do you want me to actually do? These were just hallucinations, I don't really see the need to warn the crew about things which have happened only in your head."
Stewie put his hands flat down on the desk. "But there have been other instances on the ship where these hallucinations have turned to reality, I've seen them!"
Niples turned to look at the man. "...Which proves my point exactly. How do I know that these were not just more hallucinations you're seeing?"
Stewie looked solumnly towards the ground. "but it was rather vivid." he said.
"If you want someone who'll believe you," continued Niples. "go and see Captain Cannon, he'll believe anything anyone tells him..."
Stewie was halfway between standing up when Niples quickly said "But I don't think that's such a good idea, the Captain might put the entire ship on level 3 security alert. He's been known to over-react on these things before. Remember when he went through his fear of germs and ordered a maximum quarantine alert everytime someone sneezed? And the time when the decorators painted the engine-plasma flow cylinders the wrong shade of purple, so he ordered a £$60, million complete engine replacement?"
"But you can't deny that people have been getting ill lately" said Stewie.
Niples steepled his fingers. "I have noticed that yes, an epidemic alert has net been declared by the medical staff just yet, but I think Dr. Keto will be doing that very shortly. The order to issue a high-level quarantine mode has to be issued from the Captain, we should probably do this just to be cautious. I've been trying to contact the Captain to get him to issue the quarantine, but he's not answering my calls. I think he's having a yoga lesson or something."
"Thanks for listening commander" said Stewie, exiting quickly.
After a few seconds of thought, Niples tried to ring the Captains comm once more, but there was no reply.
He stepped out into the drive-room. James Johnson looked up from his comminications duties and saw that the commander seemed troubled.
"Anything I help you with, sir?" asked Johnson.
Niples turned to him. "Ensign Johnson, how much do you feel you know about communication?"
james was puzzled and felt like he was being put on the spot. "I..uhh...everything there is to know sir!" he said.
"Good. Then I'd like you to resort to a very primative form of communication. It's called 'on foot'. I want you to find the Captain and give him a message."
Johnson was about to run off when he stopped and turned, not knowing what the message was yet.
Niples continued. "Tell him that we may have an epidemic on our hands."
==================================Lt. David "Onion" BallAssistant Helm officer/ Pilot  USS Endeavour-ACommander Seymour Niples  JMC Blue

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