Opening it out

Who: Keats and Dean, and by extension, Severn..
Where: Planet Aeron
When: just after the landing of the Blue Dwarf
Keats and Severn in the Endymion flew around to investigate, Dean in
the Raven hovered around, taking in the sights and Efof in the Space
Eagle hung back by the gate for the Dwarf.
A few minutes later, the gate vibrated slightly and the massive blue
mining vessel entered through slowly. Lots of little vehicles had to
swerve to miss the huge new vessel which had just become part of the
The Blue Dwarf parked itself down the main street, its 5 mile long
body just squeezed in, but trapped on all directions by office
blocks and huge glass and concrete shopping centres.
From the nearest building extended a telescopic metal gangway which
snaked up the the Blue Dwarf's docking bay door, another on the
other side extended from a shopping centre and connected to the
Flight bay door.
<end clip>
Keats was getting itchy, hed been dying to test out The Endymion for
ages, though, until now, hed only ever used it back on earth four
years ago, befor emodification, and in a simulated enviorment in the
Hold... Luckily, it performed just as well as it had then...
The ancient communicator sprung into action.. It was Dean.
'Keats, you alright there, you dont seem to have a visual uplink,
something wrong?'
Keats smiled at the innocent comment
'Neg on that, Dean, this model doesnt HAVE visual uplinks, only
audial and electrical'
'Talking of model Keats... ive never seen that type before, i thought
i recognised it from somewhere.. but im probably hallucinating from
to much beer... or to little....'
Keats strained to turn back to Severn, he was eagerly making notes
and pressing buttons..
'This is probably the oldest ship your ever likely to see outside of
a museum. Its from about a century ago'
'The Hell... They didnt have any space fairing craft back then, cept
those crappy death cans!'
'Its been modified for space use, it was originally a fighter, Its
called a "Mig-25", and ive been dying to test it out...'
At that, Keats let go of his restraint, and pushed the throttle
halfway along. The effect was like being body Checked by Dante, His
body was thrown backwards into the seat, and The craft boosted
forward, doing a little barrel roll as it went.
'hehehee... ahhaaa, AHAHAHAAA!! Severn, i love you, this thing works
ten times better than it did fresh from the museum! and i havent even
put it fully forwards!'
'Ermm, Keats, why the evil laugh? and museum, i thought it was
'Damn' Thought Keats, hed left the comm unit on, he flicked the of
button before Dean could finish....
'Severn, this thing still have Power Juice?'
Severn rolled his eyes... Keats was quickly reverting back 100 years
of evolution of the English Language and was using daft and
incoherant expressions....
'Yeah, we have Afters, i wouldnt try them near the city tho... oh...'
Keats did a half loop back the way he came and barrelld to level
himself off. He was heading straight into the mass of walkways,
laughing as he went
'How bout we give our new friends aquick scare? Ruffle some feathers'
Severn groaned, and did up his flying belt extra tight.
Keats turned the nose towards the nearest spagetti like walkway
system, and pushed the engine a bit further...
'Here goes...'
'Do we have sick bags..'
Keats applied the Afterburners just before approaching the nearest
walkway, he expertly dodged the first one, with a little twist as he
did. Severn had his hands over his eyes.
Several Aerons twisted in the resulting slip stream and a few windows
broke from the sheer sound of the Afterburners roaring into action...
Keats continued to dodge the walkways and populus.
'Hey, with an engine like this we could give even The Phoenix a run
for its money..!'
Several Aerons shook there fists at the Mig.
One last trick.... Keats flipped the comms onto two way, and roared
into the sky, coming about around 3 clicks above the city, and
promptly started Gyroling downwards... placed cunningly above a large
water ornament that created a water fall from the city into he lake
'Oh God... Dean... DEAN you reading me... ive lost power... im going
down... good god!!!'
The Raven noticably shook as he said this...
'.... Keats... Severn.. god no...' Dean Hung his head.
'Poor guys, so young, there whole life to look forward to...'
Dean was about to contact the Blue Dwarf to report what had happend
when a Grey Needle like blur shot about ten meters from the Raven,
causing it to shake.
'Hehehe... please dean, i aint ever gonna crash this baby!'
Dean went bright red....
'You bastard!'
<tag, Dean>
OOC- No Aerons were harmed in the making of this post

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