Quicky, 'Quantumly Unified Ionised Chrono-kapacitating Yariometer'

He was about to throw it aside when an idea
formed out of all the neurons in his head. He grabbed he quicky and
emptied about 5 bottles of the champagne into the hip flask.
The meter flashed at 12% capacity.
'Thatl have to do' and he activated The Gun (TM)
<end clip>
Keats took a bold step out, his dinner jacket was tight against his
body and the shirt was bunched up, he shrugged his shoulders a ew
times to try and starighten it out. It didnt really work. He
continued his bold step, and peered around the dor, bravely...
The corridors were empty, and eerily silent. He shuffled out, gun
pulled in against his body for mental safety.
'Gun, i need a heat signature and movement sensor for this deck and
the ajoining ones'
The side screen flipped out, and the loading bar once again appeared.
Keats put the gun to his side, dangling by his right hand, and looked
each way, straining his ears for any sounds of life, Marine or Crew
or Ugly Bug monster.
'Scan complete, initial scans show no nearby human or Alien
signitures withing 200 meters of our posistion'
Keats took a diplomatic dicision and carried on the waqy he was
going, a slight jog this time instead of a panicked sprint.
<a few macho minutes later>
Keats slowed, The Gun's (TM) screen showed 3 heat and proximity
readings within five meters. He looked behnd his quickly. Nothing.
Side to side were walls, each a good few inches of some metallic
substance. He carried on going, slowly creeping. The Gun's (TM)
screen showed that the signitures were within one meter. Nothing
infront of him. He readied his gun. Nothing to either side.
He took one step forward and a thought struck him. He looked up, then
down, then whimperd and ran.
A large metallic screech of tearing metal exploded from behind him
and he heard 3 large thuds, exactly the same sound that 3 bug aliens
would make if they just moved floors quickly after waiting in ambush.
He ran and looked to gun,
'Gun, what do we have that can efectively combat the hymenoptera?'
The Gun's (TM) nozzle shited and the central orb glowed yellow for a
'This..' it replied smugly 'is the next best thing to beer to
counteract the hymenoptera threat'
Keat turned and whilst still running fired plled the triiger. He
expected a volley of JHP shells or something. Instead, a single
bullet, no larger than an Argos instore pen fired slowly through the
'DONT STOP RUNNING KEATS!!' Keats turned and legged it.
'never knew you cared gun...'
'I dont, but your holding me you dumbass!'
The bullet sailed happily thru the air. The closest hymenoptera made
an odd alien laugh, wel, it passed for a laugh. It caught the bullet
and looked at it. It was basically a solid lump of a greyish metal
under a thick layer of a hard oily substance. It looked closer at it,
and prodded it. This was possibly its first , and last mistake t
would mae today. Upon flicking it, the oil barrier cracked, and the
Core metal was exposed. Usually this would be fine, however,
unbeknowst to the bug, the core was a solid lump of about 5 moles of
Francium. Upon contact with the air, it reacted very VERY violently.
So violently infact, that a clear 5 meter roughy spherical hole was
now sitting nicely in the deck.
'Shit... SOMEONES gonna blame me for this...' Keats thought.
A large fragment of metal flew slowly from the explosion.
Keats ran.. and felt an od hot sensation across his back.
He fell slowly forward, a large gash across his back.
He strained himself and said 'Shiii' his head hit the floor,
The Gun (TM) lay there, its currrent owner obviously in trouble.
'sod it...' it thought. It contacted Jack Through his nanos.
'Jack, we got a problem, Johns down and in trouble. We need a med
team here STAT! coordinates enclosed.'
<tag, Jack, i need help :P >

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