Re: [JMC_Blue_Dwarf] Damn Marines must Diet

  He didn't know how long that they had been pummeling him, but he had a sneaky suspicious feeling that nixon had still been in office when they first started.  If martial law was suppose to keep him safe, he wanted anarchy.  He was groaning as they started to drag him to the door, he was sure he was going to get another wedgie.  This was just like high school. Tomorrow he would back in his parent's basement listening to Manson, and writing crappy poems, taking no showers, and wondering why the girls don't call.  Say what you want but emo kids lead the most dangerous life. He began to slip out oout of his mind. "You there." Someone was yelling, Taylor tried his best to open his eyes but all he could see was a blur.
 'Sir we was just removing this riff raff." The marines dropped him on the floor, making him grunt.
 "Thats our chef, cook whatever, he is always sitting there.' Agatha screamed as if they had just broke one of dishes.
 "You men, report to your commanding officers, this deli is off limits." The young sayed, in a Gary Cooper quality voice. Taylor could feel the boots vibrate around him as they left in a grumble, "My God am are you alright."
 "Pity me not," Sat up with a slight concussion, "My own folly brought me to that end noble Sir."
 "Our you ok...........This is commander Lockhart to I need a medic................."
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